Friday, May 4, 2018

Four Things You Should Never Do When On Your Peri0d

When a woman’s monthly visitor visits, there are a number of activities you definitely do not feel like doing because of how your how your body feels. There are also a number of things you should not do, not just because they do not feel great, but because they could also harm your health or make you feel even worse. That time of the month is already a bummer as it is, so why make it harder on yourself.

Everyone’s body is different, so some people may be more sensitive to these things than others, but if you struggle through your period, it might just be best to avoid these things altogether.
Here are the four things you should probably never during your period if you want to feel your best and avoid discomfort:

Do Not Eat Salty Foods

Even though you might have the ultimate craving for French fries, some salty snacks can actually make your period symptoms worse. “Salty foods contribute to the bloating/water retention that women feel around the time of their periods. Eating salty foods can also worsen cramps. 


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