Cancer kills: Nearly 1.7 million people will receive
a cancer diagnosis in 2017, and more than 600,000 people will die from
it, according to a report from the American Cancer Society (ACS). And
the picture seems especially dire for men. For all types of cancers
combined, cancer rates are 20 percent higher in men than women—and they
are 40 percent more likely to die from it, too. So it’s no surprise
that cancer ranks as the second most-common killer of men.
The even scarier part? Many of the leading cancer killers have no
clear cut symptoms in their earliest stages. And that’s one instance
where ignorance definitely isn’t bliss: Hard-to-spot cancers—whether
preventive screenings aren’t available yet or you don’t recognise the
symptoms as something serious enough to get checked out—can lead to a
delay in diagnosis and treatment, which can reduce your chances of
successfully beating it. So we’re making it our mission to shine a light
on these hard-to-spot cancers.
Read on to find how they might take hold in your body before you even
realise it, and what you can do about them before it’s too late.
Even though prostate cancer may be more common, lung cancer is by far
the leading cause of cancer death in men. Only 16 percent of lung cancer
cases are diagnosed at an early stage, according to the American Lung
Association. Once the disease spreads and becomes more aggressive, only 4
percent of people survive at least five years.
Why it’s hard to detect: Most people associate lung
cancer with smoking, but that doesn’t paint the whole picture, says
David Ross Camidge, M.D., Ph.D., professor of medical oncology and lung
cancer researcher at the University of Colorado Cancer Center. While
smoking is linked to the majority of lung cancer cases, the disease
still strikes people who have never even touched a cigarette, he
In most other cases, blame radon, a natural gas that you can’t see or
smell. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S.—and
about 1 in 15 homes have high radon levels, according to the CDC.
Plus, you might not even realise you have lung cancer until it’s
already advanced to a more deadly stage: “Your lungs are mostly air, so
you can actually grow a fairly decent sized mass without even noticing
it,” says Dr. Camidge. “By the time you get symptoms, the cancer may
have already spread.”
These symptoms include a constant cough, shortness
of breath, and unexplained weight loss. But the U.S. Preventive Service
Task Force has pretty narrow guidelines for who it recommends receive
CT scans for lung cancer screening: those who smoked a pack of
cigarettes a day for at least 30 years, are either still smoking or have
quit within the last 15 years, and are aged in their 50s through 70s.
“So if you’re a guy in your 30s and you’ve never smoked, you’re never
going to qualify for a screening test,” says Dr. Camidge.
What you can do: Skip the stereotypes. Regardless of
whether you’re a smoker or not, don’t ignore the telltale signs of lung
cancer listed above when they do appear. Many doctors will hear that
you have a cough, have never been a smoker, and automatically assume
that it can’t be lung cancer, says Dr. Camidge. So they’ll usually treat
you for less serious conditions that share common symptoms, like asthma
or bronchitis. But if your cough persists for a couple of months, you
should talk to your doctor about your options for a test, especially if
you cough up blood.
Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men in
the United States, according to the ACS. While the majority of
colorectal cases affect men over 50, the disease is quickly on the rise
in young people, too. People born in 1990 have double the risk of colon
cancer and quadruple the risk of rectal cancer than people born in 1950,
when colorectal cancer risk was at its lowest, according to a study
from the ACS.
Why it’s hard to detect: While colorectal cancer comes
with its fair share of symptoms, they don’t typically appear in its
earliest stages, when the cancer is most likely to be cured, says
William Grady, M.D., a clinical researcher who specialises in colon
cancer prevention at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in
Seattle. “You won’t know if you have an early colorectal cancer. The
only time you’ll know is when it’s much more advanced. Even then, the
symptoms are so nonspecific that it’s hard to know what they mean,” he
adds. This means you might mistake common symptoms—which include
abdominal cramping, blood in your stool, and a persistent, unexplained
change in your bowel habits, such as constipation or diarrhoea—for some
other type of stomach or digestion issue instead.
That’s why it’s vital to get yourself checked through regular
screening, since pre-cancerous growths can be removed before they
develop into cancer—and before they start causing those symptoms. Almost
all colorectal cancers start out as a benign colon polyp, a clump of
cells that forms on the lining of your colon or rectum, says Dr. Grady.
Only 1 in 10 polyps will ever become a cancer if they do, and it usually
takes about 10 to 15 years for the cancer to form. Colonoscopies are
the most powerful way to find and remove a polyp early. But if you don’t
get yourself checked, there’s usually no outward sign of colorectal
cancer until it advances, and you start experiencing its red-flag
symptoms, like the ones mentioned above.
What you can do: Ask your doctor about screenings.
Only a little more than half of people who should get tested for
colorectal cancer do so, according to the ACS. Most guys should start
getting regular colonoscopies at the age of 50. But if you have a
first-degree family member that suffered from the disease, you should
start screenings at 40, or 10 years younger than they were when they
were first diagnosed, the American College of Gastroenterology
recommends. These colonoscopies can be a lifesaver: 9 out 10 people who
are diagnosed with colon cancer early are cured, says Dr. Grady. For
those who are diagnosed late, after the cancer has already outside of
the bowels to other organs like the liver or lungs, only 1 in 20 are
The ACS predicts that 27,970 men will be diagnosed with pancreatic
cancer in 2017—compare that to the 116,990 men that will be diagnosed
with lung cancer. Still, while pancreatic cancer accounts for just three
percent of all cancers, it makes up about 7 percent of all cancer
deaths. One reason it’s overrepresented in the death column? The disease
is one of the most insidious ones out there: “We don’t have any way to
screen for pancreatic cancer, and symptoms don’t develop until it’s
usually not curable, so almost everyone who gets pancreatic cancer dies
from it,” says Dr. Grady.
Why it’s hard to detect: Abdominal or back pain,
weight loss, lack of appetite, nausea, and even blood clots are pretty
nonspecific symptoms of pancreatic cancer that could be attributed to
lots of other things. The cancer usually has to spread to your liver
before you develop a telltale sign that something’s really not right:
jaundice, which causes your skin and eyes to yellow. The structure and
setup of your organs is part of the reason. Your GI tract is basically a
series of tubes and organs with different layers, including your
pancreas, says Dr. Grady. The layers around some areas, like your colon,
are quite thick. Thicker layers allow cancers more time to grow before
they spread to other organs, potentially boosting your doctor’s chances
of finding it in time to treat it before it becomes aggressive. But your
pancreas is different—its outer layers are pretty thin. That means the
cancer can quickly spread outside the pancreas. “We think the problem is
that by the time you develop symptoms, the cancer has almost always
spread outside the organ into different regions,” says Dr. Grady. Plus,
your pancreas is located deep within your body, so your doctor can’t see
or feel early tumors during routine checkups, according to the ACS.
What you can do: While researchers are putting in a
lot of effort to come up with better early-detection tests, nothing like
that is currently available for most people, says Dr. Grady. Like colon
cancer polyps, there are precancerous lesions on your pancreas that may
go on to become cancer, but more research needs to be done to know for
sure, he says. So prevention is key. The best thing you can do is to
minimise your risk, says Dr. Grady. Smokers are twice as likely to
develop pancreatic cancer than people who have never smoked, according
to the ACS. And since obese people are 20 percent more likely to develop
pancreatic cancer, maintaining a healthy weight is crucial, too.
While melanoma accounts for only about 1 percent of skin cancers, it
causes a majority of skin cancer deaths, according to the ACS. And it’s
on the rise. Melanoma rates have doubled in the last three decades,
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—and
guys are particularly at risk. Men who have developed stage-four
melanoma are more likely to die from it than women, possibly due to
immune system differences, says Tara Gangadhar, M.D., assistant
professor of haematology oncology at the University of Pennsylvania’s
Perelman School of Medicine.
Why it’s hard to detect: It’s not exactly easy to
eyeball the difference between a harmless spot on your skin and a
cancerous mole. One big reason? You might not be aware that a dark brown
mole isn’t the only sign to look out for, says Dr. Gangadhar. Some
melanomas are colourless, flesh-coloured, or even red and pink—meaning
you might brush it off as a pimple, wart, or not even notice it at all,
she says. Plus, even if you do find a suspicious mark, hectic schedules
can get in the way, so you might put off getting it looked at while the
cancer is in its earliest stages.
But ignoring the warning signs can be fatal: Even after melanoma has
been surgically removed from your skin, it can come back and spread to
other organs like your lungs, liver, or brain, making it much harder to
cure, explains Dr. Gagadhar. Other skin cancers like squamous cell and
basal cell carcinomas rarely recur or spread at the same rate that
melanoma does.
What you can do: Scan your skin—even if you slather
on the sunscreen. You’re still at higher risk for developing melanoma if
you experienced sunburns as a kid, says Dr. Gangadhar. So if you notice
any changing lesion on your skin, get it looked at by your doctor or
dermatologist, says Dr. Gangadhar. Changes in the shape, color, or
border of your moles should all raise a red flag—but cancerous moles can
bleed, grow rapidly, and become itchy, too.
Liver cancer is the fast growing cause of cancer deaths in the U.S.,
according to a new ACS report published in CA: A Cancer Journal for
Clinicians. In fact, liver cancer deaths have doubled since 1980. Only 1
in 5 people will survive five years after they’re diagnosed, the report
found. What’s more, the disease is more common in men—the ACS predicts
29,200 guys will be diagnosed with the disease in 2017.
Why it’s hard to detect: There hasn’t been a ton of
progress in figuring out how to effectively detect liver cancer at an
earlier stage before it spreads, says Kim Miller, M.P.H., an
epidemiologist at the ACS. Serious symptoms—like loss of appetite,
feeling very full after a small meal, abdominal pain, and jaundice—don’t
really appear until the cancer has already become difficult to treat.
Plus, your rib cage covers most of your liver, so it’s not easy for you
or your doctor to feel a tumor there if you develop one, she says.
What you can do: Know your risk. A big reason liver
cancer deaths are on the rise is because of the hepatitis C epidemic
among Baby Boomers, or people who were born between 1945 and 1965, says
Miller. Hepatitis C is the leading cause of liver cancer and liver
transplants, since it can lead to liver damage and cirrhosis, scarring
and inflammation of the liver, according to the CDC. That’s why the CDC
recommends getting blood tests done to detect if you’ve ever been
infected with the hepatitis C virus. Successful treatments can
completely eliminate the virus from the body, minimising your risk of
developing liver cancer. Even if you’re not among the Baby Boomer
generation, getting yourself vaccinated against the hepatitis B
infection can help keep you protected too, since it can also cause liver
And if you are at high risk—meaning you have chronic viral hepatitis,
cirrhosis, or metabolic disorders like excess bodyweight and type-2
diabetes—there are some physicians out there who offer screening tests,
like ultrasounds and CT scans. But there isn’t yet data out there to
confirm the effectiveness of them, says Miller.
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