Wednesday, April 25, 2018

*Erogenous Zones*

Eros was the Greek God of love. An Erogenous Zone is an area on the body that has heightened sensitivity, and the stimulation of these areas can produce sexual arousal and orgasm. You don’t have to be a Mythology Divinity to find your or your lover’s and enjoy gifts from the Gods. We are all unique in where our hot spots are, however, there are a few that are consistent with human beings

 Erogenous zones can contribute to sexual arousal, think of them as the road map to a happy ending. While everyone is a little different when it comes to getting turned on, people generally agree about which erogenous zones are most pleasurable. Knowing these "hot spots" is a plus for both your partner and yourself—who would say no to a boost in sexual satisfaction? Identifying different erogenous zones also may improve sexual health; some research suggests that stimulating different spots may produce different reactions in the body. For example, touching the vagina appears to set off the release of the feel-good hormone prolactin , while the cervix may be involved in controlling muscle tension during sex. Understanding erogenous zones is also important to make sure that people undergoing gender reassignment surgery or breast augmentation don't lose significant sexual function.
The Erogenous Zones on the Female Body
1. Clitoris, Cervix (located at the lower end of the uterus, has its own feel-good nerve pathways.) and the Vigina
2. Neck, lip, mouth, breast and nipples as well as ear,

Penis, nipples, scrotum, ear, The perineum (the area between the anus and scrotum)
"erogenous zones" are linked to feelings of sexual arousal—stimulating these spots can ramp up feelings of sexual pleasure and make sex more satisfying. The list above describes some of the most common zones, but it is by no means exhaustive. The best way to find out what you and your partner like? Communicate, experiment, communicate some more, and repeat.


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